Work expierence
Lead Web Developer
Wrike: Led projects, team and code in 2 teams. We created a website builder for teams within the company.
Led projects
— thought out the mission and strategy of the team
— set quarterly goals for the team by OKR framework
— created, filled out and prioritized projects in the product backlog
— maintained transparency of work for customers, synchronized with them
— managed backlogs of technical debt and bugs
Led people
— conducted technical interviews
— introduced newcomers to work, controlled during the test period
— launched 2 teams, built processes in them
— held one-to-one meetings, worked with the motivation of employees, helped to improve competencies
Controlled the code
— participated in the selection of a new technology stack, monitored its compliance
— developed front-end (Angular 7-13, TypeScript, SCSS) and build (Gitlab CI)
— developed backend (PHP, Laravel, Twill)
— set up monitoring of performance metrics for a website with ~20k pages (CrUX, Lighthouse CI)
— reviewed frontend and backend code
— organized regular meetings for knowledge sharing, helping speakers improve their reports
Senior Web Developer, Scrum Master
Wrike: As a web developer
Developed the frontend (Stylus, SCSS, Blade, JS, jQuery), organized its assembly (gulp, webpack) and continuous integration (TeamCity).I develop a backend (PHP, WordPress, Themosis, SiteOrigin Page Builder), giving the content team the ability to create pages by filling out ready-made widgets.
As a Scrum Master
Facilitated the development cycle of the team, organized scrum events: sprint planning, sprint-review, PBR, daily.
Frontend teacher
Epic Skills: I taught js, participated in the preparation of the program.
Classes on topics:
- JS-libraries of the frontend
- Collections and iterations
- Dates and time
- Regexps
- Working with forms
- Events in JS
Thrice conducted a workshop about markup of email
Frontend developer
FBS Inc.: Processing frontend:
- Splitting projects to independent modules, the organization of their interaction.
- Setting the live-reload when the file changes.
- Preprocessing styles (scss, postcss), markup (ejs, nunjucks, posthtml) and scripts.
- Automatically check methodological errors, validity, conformity supported browsers and style code with detailed errors in the logs.
- Automatically generate RTL-versions of the project pages.
- Creating the completed and lightweight pages through gulp tasks.
- Simplify interaction frontend developers together with designers, translators and back-end developers at the expense organization of projects.
Markup, stylizing, and scripting:
- Preparation of vector, raster graphics, and video for use on the Web
- Markup pages by BEM method, creating extendable and reusable interface components.
- Making comments in styles and scripts for automatic documentation generation.
- The control displays correctly with continuous integration in 16 languages using the testing of web pages appearance.
Frontend developer
Pixelon: I created online stores based on Pix.CMS with Bootstrap 2 and 3 (html, less, php)
JavaScript developer
Hint Solutions: Participated in the development of Android and iOS apps on Titanium Appcelerator (markup and compiled js), made an application for social network VK.
Frontend developer
Project Studio KIT: I created websites, templates and widgets for CMS (DLE, Joomla, LiveStreet, Prestashop, PHP-Fusion, MediaWiki, Webasyst and a few lesser-known)
Frontend developer
SOK Studio: Markup designs sites with 3D-panoramic, video, lots of sections filled with text and photo content without CMS and CMS. Mark up the touch application for terminals.
Designer / Frontend developer, co-founder
Nights: Think over the design, coding (html, css), added feeble js-effects.