Work expierence

Lead Web Developer

Led projects, team and code in 2 teams. We created a website builder for teams within the company.

Led projects

— thought out the mission and strategy of the team
— set quarterly goals for the team by OKR framework
— created, filled out and prioritized projects in the product backlog
— maintained transparency of work for customers, synchronized with them
— managed backlogs of technical debt and bugs

Led people

— conducted technical interviews
— introduced newcomers to work, controlled during the test period
— launched 2 teams, built processes in them
— held one-to-one meetings, worked with the motivation of employees, helped to improve competencies

Controlled the code

— participated in the selection of a new technology stack, monitored its compliance
— developed front-end (Angular 7-13, TypeScript, SCSS) and build (Gitlab CI)
— developed backend (PHP, Laravel, Twill)
— set up monitoring of performance metrics for a website with ~20k pages (CrUX, Lighthouse CI)
— reviewed frontend and backend code
— organized regular meetings for knowledge sharing, helping speakers improve their reports

Senior Web Developer, Scrum Master

As a web developer

Developed the frontend (Stylus, SCSS, Blade, JS, jQuery), organized its assembly (gulp, webpack) and continuous integration (TeamCity).I develop a backend (PHP, WordPress, Themosis, SiteOrigin Page Builder), giving the content team the ability to create pages by filling out ready-made widgets.

As a Scrum Master

Facilitated the development cycle of the team, organized scrum events: sprint planning, sprint-review, PBR, daily.

Epic Skills:
Frontend teacher

I taught js, participated in the preparation of the program.

Classes on topics:


Thrice conducted a workshop about markup of email

FBS Inc.:
Frontend developer

Processing frontend:

  1. Splitting projects to independent modules, the organization of their interaction.
  2. Setting the live-reload when the file changes.
  3. Preprocessing styles (scss, postcss), markup (ejs, nunjucks, posthtml) and scripts.
  4. Automatically check methodological errors, validity, conformity supported browsers and style code with detailed errors in the logs.
  5. Automatically generate RTL-versions of the project pages.
  6. Creating the completed and lightweight pages through gulp tasks.
  7. Simplify interaction frontend developers together with designers, translators and back-end developers at the expense organization of projects.

Markup, stylizing, and scripting:

  1. Preparation of vector, raster graphics, and video for use on the Web
  2. Markup pages by BEM method, creating extendable and reusable interface components.
  3. Making comments in styles and scripts for automatic documentation generation.
  4. The control displays correctly with continuous integration in 16 languages using the testing of web pages appearance.

Frontend developer

I created online stores based on Pix.CMS with Bootstrap 2 and 3 (html, less, php)

Hint Solutions:
JavaScript developer

Participated in the development of Android and iOS apps on Titanium Appcelerator (markup and compiled js), made an application for social network VK.

Project Studio KIT:
Frontend developer

I created websites, templates and widgets for CMS (DLE, Joomla, LiveStreet, Prestashop, PHP-Fusion, MediaWiki, Webasyst and a few lesser-known)

SOK Studio:
Frontend developer

Markup designs sites with 3D-panoramic, video, lots of sections filled with text and photo content without CMS and CMS. Mark up the touch application for terminals.

Designer / Frontend developer, co-founder

Think over the design, coding (html, css), added feeble js-effects.