Light: beige for background, brown for text and orange for interactive elements.
Dark: dark gray for background, almost white for text and orange for interactive elements. They are selected automatically based on the system settings
Fonts: Georgia for headers, native sans-serif font of your system for everything else. I don't upload external fonts.
are separated in the file system according to the principles of Atomic Design
written in pure CSS using the BEM methodology
they are not converted using preprocessors like sass or postcss
critical styles for loading the first screen are embedded in the pages at the build stage of eleventy
non-critical ones are loaded asynchronously
the templates is written using 11ty, nunjucks, markdown
I tried to adapt the site for convenient use from desktops, mobile, text browsers, voice assistants.
the site can be navigated using the keyboard, the focus is visually reflected by the stroke, all navigations are equipped with a go to content button.
so far, the site is inconvenient to perceive from the clock
I strive to maintain the availability of links, when changing, I set redirects. Please let me know if you found a 404 link to my website!
links to external sites are marked with an icon pointing up to the right
Cookies and identification
I purposely don't remember users in any way. I don't have advertising trackers, Google Analytics and other unethical external things. So far, there are several YouTube iframes in the performances section, all using youtube-nocookie. I plan to replace them with video storage at home.